The electricity and gas markets are set to be liberalised further. At the federal level, legislative changes for the complete liberalisation of the electricity market and at least partial liberalisation of the gas market are currently being discussed. In addition, the Competition Commission (COMCO) has just liberalised the gas market in Central Switzerland. It has amicably agreed for the gas networks of two suppliers to be utilised for transmission. These suppliers had previously refused to let their networks be used by third parties to supply end customers. According to COMCO, this step will have a similar signal effect as a decision in 2001, which led to the electricity market being liberalised on the basis of antitrust law. COMCO has promised further investigations against other gas network operators that do not allow their networks to be utilised.
In light of these liberalisation measures, BKW has decided to enter the gas market. It wants to offer bundled energy services at attractive prices, mainly for industrial companies, SMEs, property managers and gas suppliers. With an attractive all-in-one package, BKW is hoping to acquire new customers that already consume gas, as well as being able to supply gas to its existing electricity customers. By offering a package for both gas and electricity and providing professional support and expert advice on combined energy solutions, BKW will serve as a one-stop provider for the energy needs of these customers. Customers will also have full transparency over grid/network rates, energy prices and other fees.
With a bundled energy package and the company’s extensive expertise, BKW can accompany its customers into the future of renewable energy in an optimal way, as gas is seen as an important transition fuel by many consumers.
(©Photo: FedotovAnatoly -