
Start your career full of energy with an apprenticeship at BKW

202 BKW apprentices completed their professional training in June 2024. In total, BKW is training over 700 apprentices in 31 professions throughout Switzerland. Whether as a commercial clerk, solar installer or grid electrician - we support our future specialists and offer them the best possible start to their careers. All our apprenticeship positions and more information about apprenticeships at BKW can be found on our homepage.

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BKW delighted with the Yes vote on the Electricity Act

BKW delighted with the Yes vote on the Electricity Act

Swiss voters approved the Electricity Act on Sunday 9 June 2024, with a very high Yes vote of almost 70 percent. BKW is delighted with the clear Yes vote.

Balancing prosperity and the environment

At BKW, we make a major contribution to sustainability. Our solutions help our customers make their own contribution to a future worth living. We also use our resources efficiently and take responsibility as an employer and business partner. You can find out more about this in our Sustainability Report.

Current flagship projects