Procuring electricity and guarantees of origin

Whether you are looking for a straightforward energy supply or want to harness market potential, we cover all supply needs and find the solution that’s right for you.

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BKW is a long-standing, established and reliable partner for the procurement of energy. We work tirelessly on enhancing our products in order to satisfy the requirements of our customers and allow them to exploit potential benefits.


Overview of energy supply and solutions

Product name Energy Relax Energy Portfolio Structured
Ideal for Customers looking for a straightforward energy supply at a favourable fixed rate. Customers from approx. 3 GWh who would like to benefit from market trends and are prepared to invest the necessary resources. 

Special offer on an appointed date with the price fixed for the entire duration of the contract.

Planning security and transparency due to a guaranteed energy price.

Contract for 1–6 years with annual fixed pricing.

Energy Relax is available with or without a “Wasser Schweiz” guarantee of origin.

Average pricing via freely selectable tranches at different times.

Planning security and transparency with a guaranteed energy price once the final tranche is procured.

Contract for 1–6 years with annual fixed pricing.

Different guarantees of origin can be purchased as part of this.

Regelmässige Webinare zum Strompreis mit Ausblick und Empfehlungen

Die Strompreise sind aktuell mit Unsicherheiten und Volatilitäten verbunden. Wir begleiten Sie durch diese anspruchsvolle Zeit und vermitteln Ihnen das nötige Know-How für Ihre Strombeschaffung.

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