Data and telecommunications

BKW Infra Services and its subsidiaries are pioneering companies in Switzerland when it comes to fibre optics. We install and maintain telecom and data networks (copper and fibre optic) as well as television networks (coaxial). Our expertise also covers the construction of overhead lines as well as special assemblies and splices. We offer our customers modular solutions from a single source as well as a 24/7 disturbance and on-call service.


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Our expertise

  • We plan the implementation of data and communication networks.
  • We build, splice and measure your data and communication networks including cable routes.
  • We take care of maintenance and the on-call service.
  • We build overhead telecom lines and maintain them.

Added value for you


We offer individual, tailor-made solutions and services for your challenging plans and projects in the areas of television, telecom and data networks. Take advantage of our implementation planning for data and communication networks. You get exactly the service you need.


Our service packages in the cable product group include the construction and maintenance of data and communication networks, splicing and measurement/maintenance as well as on-call services in the areas of television, telecom and data networks.

Overhead lines

Our service package for overhead lines includes the construction and maintenance of overhead telecom lines for the areas of telecom and data networks.

Our range of services

Implementation planning for data and communication networks

  • Field surveys and route planning
  • Preparing building planning applications
  • Construction management and coordination
  • Fibre management (fibre optics)

Cable route construction

  • Construction and project management, work programme and scheduling
  • New construction and changes to a wide range of cable routes
  • Route installation: laying pipes, trays, grooved pipes and blowing in mini pipes
  • Pressure tests and calibration of pipe systems 

Construction and maintenance of data and communication networks

  • Construction and project management, work programme and scheduling
  • Material: selection, logistics, checks and approval
  • Laying a wide range of cables (pulling and blowing technology)
  • Assembly of muffs, cable terminations and accessories

Splicing, measuring/maintenance and on-call service

  • Connections and splices for all types of cables (copper, coaxial and fibre optic/FO cables)
  • Measurements and tests for systems created (OTDR, PMD, CD, Ingress, levelling and testing, etc.)
  • System inspection and maintenance
  • Nationwide 24/7 on-call service

Construction and maintenance of overhead telecom lines

  • New construction, changes to and maintenance of lines, support structures and cables
  • Setting up, straightening and equipping masts
  • Creating and splicing connections (including extensions)
  • Clearing overhead lines


Do you have any questions? Get in touch with us.