Proof of origin

By providing proof of origin, you are making a statement for the promotion of renewable electricity. Choose one of four possible proof of origin options and procure it with your electricity product.

Certificates of origin for electricity and electricity identification

Guarantees that the electricity originates from a power plant in Switzerland or the EU.

For companies and communities in the free market, and electricity suppliers.

These electricity products are naturemade star-certified and, in addition to the requirements of naturemade basic, meet higher environmental standards:

  • A separate life cycle assessment is calculated for each energy system.
  • Local/regional sustainability criteria are applied to every energy system, developed in cooperation with environmental organisations, professional associations, electricity producers and suppliers.
  • One centime per kilowatt hour of electricity sold from naturemade star-certified hydropower plants goes to the BKW eco fund. This fund is used for environmental improvement measures, such as the ecological restoration of streams and the construction of fish ladders.

For companies and communities in the free market.

Guarantees that the electricity originates from a naturemade basic-certified hydropower plant in Switzerland.

For energy suppliers.

Guarantees that the electricity originates from a naturemade star-certified power plant in Switzerland.

For energy suppliers.


Supplementary services for energy procurement

Supplementary services for energy procurement

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