Electricity procurement

Whether you need a straightforward energy supply, or whether an individual procurement model is the right solution for you, we cover all supply needs and find the solution that’s right for you.

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BKW is a long-standing, established, reliable partner for all procurement solutions – from straightforward to complex. As a leader in digitalisation, we are working to allow customers to submit offers and tenders, get sales process support and carry out multi-commodity procurement (electricity and CO bundled) via the Energy Business platform. Here, too, we believe that digitalisation should make it easier for all of us so that, together with our customers, we can focus on the strategic questions relating to energy procurement.


Overview of energy supplies and solutions

Standard products   Structured procurement  
Product name Energy Trade Energy Portfolio Structured Energy Balance Flat Energy Balance Transparent
Ideal for Energy supply under structured procurement Simplicity and
budget certainty
Flexible, targeted optimisation with strategic components and reduced risk Comprehensive optimisation with strategic components
Characteristics Profile deliveries at balance group level Coverage level 100%, multiple supplier option Coverage level free, multiple supplier option Coverage level free, multiple supplier option
Energy price Market price Contract price for the entire duration of the contract Transparent billing Transparent billing
Optimisation options


Forward Forward, spot, intraday Forward, spot, intraday
Balance energy risk n.a. Inclusive Flat rate Transparent
incl. fixed BKW interlacing

Regelmässige Webinare zum Strompreis mit Ausblick und Empfehlungen

Die Strompreise sind aktuell mit Unsicherheiten und Volatilitäten verbunden. Wir begleiten Sie durch diese anspruchsvolle Zeit und vermitteln Ihnen das nötige Know-How für Ihre Strombeschaffung.

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