Street lighting for the municipality of Hilterfingen

Inspecting street lights can be time-consuming and costly for municipalities. But not for the municipality of Hilterfingen. With the “luxBKW” online tool, BKW Energy simplified the operation and maintenance of the municipality’s street lighting and reduced its costs considerably.

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Our tasks

  • Operation and maintenance of 400 lights.
  • Maintenance work with lift platform: check of condition, measurements and cleaning of lights, check of the transmission line support structure.
  • 24/7 on-call service for fast correction of problems and defects.
  • Documentation of the master and condition data of the lighting systems with the “luxBKW” online tool.
  • Problem reporting platform for residents with a visual overview of the individual lights.

Öffentliche Ausschreibung

Für den Wechsel der rund 1600 Gemeinde- und Kantonsleuchten zu LED Leuchten musste 2016 eine öffentliche Ausschreibung gemacht werden. Gesucht wurde ein Totalunternehmen, das die Lichtplanung, Leuchtenbeschaffung und -Montage sowie die Programmierung der Leuchten übernehmen konnte. Die öffentliche Beleuchtung in Haute-Sorne sollte auf einen Leuchtentyp von einem Hersteller harmonisiert werden.

Weitere Anforderungen waren:  

  • Fernsteuerung der Leuchten, um die bestmögliche Lichtintensität und Energieeffizienz je Lichtpunkt herauszufinden sowie bei speziellen Anlässen eine einfache Anpassung zu ermöglichen.
  • Georeferenzierte Darstellung der einzelnen Leuchten auf einer Karte inkl. Betriebszustand.
  • Störungen sollten dem Gemeindepersonal via SMS gemeldet werden.
  • 10 Jahre Garantie auf den Leuchten.

Qualitative Ziele des Vorhabens waren:

  • Die Lichtemissionen markant senken.
  • Die Kosten für Betrieb und Energie markant senken.
  • Die Verkehrssicherheit auch künftig gewährleisten.

Projekt und Lösung

Von den Eingaben der insgesamt drei Anbieter hat die Offerte der BKW technisch und preislich am besten überzeugt. Sie erhielt den Auftrag. 

[Translate to EN:]
«Now I have an overview at all times of the age structure of the lighting network, upcoming maintenance work, problems and other relevant aspects. It’s ideal for planning budgets and investment strategy.»
Lorenz Saurer, Building Administrator for the municipality of Hilterfingen


Construction type

Street lighting

Contruction style

Operation and maintenance


Municipal work

Carried work

Switch to LED and service agreement for operation and maintenance

Project manager

Simon Jakob (BKW Power Grid)



Technische Daten der Leuchten




1600 Ampéra-Leuchten mit Fernsteuerung IoT (Internet of Things), davon 70 Leuchten zusätzlich mit dynamischer Lichtsteuerung


örtlich individuelle Nachtabsenkungsprofile von 50 bis 100% Dimmung

Project description

When Lorenz Saurer assumed his role as the Building Administrator in 2016, the process for fixing problems with lights was not clearly regulated for public street lights, different service providers responsible for problems in different parts of the village. Residents reported problems with the lights by phone – often with several reports for the same problem. Often the building authority was only able to determine the precise location after dark.

Lorenz Saurer quickly realised there was only one solution: one partner with a modern tool instead of several service providers. So the municipality concluded an operation and maintenance agreement with BKW Power Grid, which had already been modifying and expanding the lighting network in Hilterfingen for years. Hilterfingen was also the pilot municipality for “luxBKW”, the modern online tool for data, maintenance and problem management.

Digital overview of more than 400 lights

All lights in the Hilterfingen lighting system were entered as digital master data in “luxBKW”. This gives Lorenz Saurer an overview of all relevant data at all times. This includes the status of the lights and any maintenance measures, problem and defect reports, lamp technology, age structure and system data. The information available on luxBKW also helps the municipality to comply with legal documentation and maintenance obligations.

[Translate to EN:]
«For Hilterfingen, it was important that all services come from a single source to minimise effort and expenditure while ensuring the seamless operation of the municipality’s lights.»
Simon Jakob, Head of Lighting at BKW Power Grid


We would be happy to help you with the planning, design and maintenance of lighting systems. Send us your enquiry or arrange a meeting.